Wednesday, August 18, 2010

math oh yeah .

In math we are doing factor tree for multiplications .a week ago a new student came to are class his name is nate . when he came he just came on and strated playing with use at recces .It seems that he is very smart he sits in my table across me. we are having pg day on friday when that is the last day of school.I am going to bring in soda and chips .on thruesday we are haveing like 4 test i think that i will pass those 4 test.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In science we have been studying rocks and minerals.Last week Ms.Bohnam split the class into 5 groups. Each group had 4 people in it. Each group had to be given a type of rock and they had to find infromation on there rock. The different types of rocks that we studyed were hornblende,florite, quartz, fieldspar, and mica.
Each person in the groups had a job.There is the locator, the power point,the property finder,and the rock detector.
On Friday all the groups did power point and presented there projects to the class.It was kind of scary talking infront of the class.It is so much fun to do science!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Roks and minerals project

the rocks and minerals project is so cool . i think that the rocks and minerals project is easy and it's got the fun stuff .i It's also kinda hard too . i think that it wont take that long to finish at all . what my job on the rocks and minerals project is that im the minirals detective i write down notes i write down were it's found and are groups mineral is gypSUM .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rocks and minerals

This quarter we are learning about rocks and minerals. There are so many cool things about them.The types we are learning about are mica,hornblende,and gypsum.We have started doing a project on rocks and minerals.We learned that hornblende is magnetic, mica is pliable and looks like sheets of paper,gypsum is made out of cool lava.who new this it so cool.You may think what are rocks used for,they are used for glass,soda cans,and also for designs in your house too.Check out Miss Bonham blog at

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

stuff I like doing in school

The stuff I like doing in school is math is multiplying and i love subtracting in adding and the most thing i like doing is rounding. in science i love studying rocks and minerals. they are fun to study and measuring the rock with a ruler and we use something to weigh them and see which of one weighs the most and which of one ways less. We study the name of the rock and we made a chart of what color they were and what size they were. In reading we had a chart and see if we can read the story and a minute. the numbers on the sides means if you see the numbers on the side thats the score you need to tell the teacher what score you have and the techaer needs to know so she can give you the score that you read to and when she say stop and when she seas turn over on the back. You have a partner and you have to sit there and your partner has to ask you the qustion.Then next when the timer stops its the other person turn to read the card. You ask him the qustion and at the bottom of each sheet they have the answers. If you have diffrent cards you take there card and look on the back and check was adding it is easy but some times you get mixed up with counting if you gone to count that number that you have .thats all I have to say for today thank you.but before, as i said, no cheating on testing.

Monday, August 2, 2010

About Rocks

In class we are learning about rocks shape,luster texter,color.And we are learning about rocks properties and how they get formed.We know they are made of minerals but what kind of minerals.And where they come form.We even now that a dimond is the hardest mineral in the world.So now we that calcite bubbles with vinger.And which mineral attracts to magnet. Jafeth