Monday, October 4, 2010

What Were Doing In School

What were doing in shcool is fun projects sience math and a lots stuff.We are started on cursuf hand writting and also we do reading fluince cards there is lots of things you can do in school.We started Soical Studies about a month ago talking about the Piedmont Mountains and the Coastal Plain and we had started a project on it already!In school you learn everything in school you will have p.e computer seince c.e library and library you can check out books seince you will learn about crystals gemstones and lots of cool thihngs.P.E you will just do fun things and run around and do stations and do hulahoops and jumpropes!In class we do reading senters and math senters in reading senters at the back table there CQ books when you are reading CQ books there are long paraghs that you half to read and get a note book and write about what you learned in the CQ book.and also Mrs.Bonham will pick you for reading and math senters and also in reading you go on the computers for study island reading only.We do morning meeting and Mrs.Bonham will pick any number like 1,2,3, and then she will pick a any like 23 and you can bring 1 cool thing from home!


  1. That is a long comment

  2. WOW!!! Seems like you all are doing so much in school. Hope you learn a lot and have fun while learning.
